
5 Ways to Maximize Your Classroom Schedule to Create Time for Intervention

We all know how important reading intervention is in an elementary classroom, but finding time for it can be so difficult! Today I’m sharing with you 5 easy ways to maximize your classroom schedule to create time at the end of the day for reading intervention.

As a teacher, you know that everyone “has” to build in about 15-20 minutes a day of Social Studies and Science into their schedule, right?

But who says you can't get creative and teach Social Studies and Science during different parts of your day?

That means the last 15-20 minutes of your day would be open for intervention!

Here are 5 ways that you can incorporate your Social Studies content into different areas of your classroom schedule that would create time at the end of the day for reading intervention.

5 Ways Creative Ways to Teach Social Studies

1) Read a Social Studies themed book during your daily read aloud

2) Watch a quick video on Brainpop Jr. or Youtube during that random 5 minutes before lunch, etc.

3) Put a Social Studies related writing activity into your writing station during guided reading

4) Use a writing web and writing to page to create a weekly writing project about a Social Studies topic

5) Set up your students with an independent activity, such as a cut and paste) during your Social Studies time that would allow you time to quickly pull back a small group

I've included all of these steps (along with picture examples) and my Community Helpers unit so that you can get creative this week in your own classroom!

Get a FREE Sample

You can easily maximize your own schedule to create time for reading intervention using any Social Studies resources that you already have. BUT, to help you out, I’m giving you my 5 step guide and a FREE Community Helpers unit to get you started!

I’m challenging you to use this unit in your classroom and try to creatively teach Social Studies in a different way at least 3 times this week.

Remember to focus on the writing opportunities. Those are the easiest to incorporate into a time of day that will never be missed.

I also challenge you to play around with the different kinds of intervention you can provide. Maybe try a reading group one day and letter/sound intervention the next day.

How to Create 20 Minutes of Intervention

FREE 5 step guide and Community Helpers Unit

Looking for More?

For more no prep, social studies activities designed to give you more time and freedom to teach, check out my Year Long Social Studies bundle or my monthly themed Social Studies bundles here.

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Picture of Kristen Sullins

Kristen Sullins

I am a current Elementary Librarian and
Enrichment Teacher, mother of two, follower of Christ and Texas native. In my own classroom, I love to save time by finding unique ways to integrate writing, social studies and science into all parts of my day. I also love all things organization!